Relationship counseling

Relationship Counseling

Relationship Counseling to Improve Communication, Heal from Infidelity, and Stepfamily Adjustment

Relationship counseling offers hope for infidelity, parenting disagreements, blended family adjustment, life transitions, and those considering divorce. These problems can seriously challenge a family’s commitment causing fear, anxiety, and contributing to depression. Events like these are likely to overwhelm and cloud yours and your partner’s ability to think clearly and determine the necessary “next steps” to find solutions. We may rationalize overpowering emotions which too often end up maintaining the problem. I can help couples find clarity to see obstacles and determine these next steps.

We all want to have healthy romantic relationships.

Problems like infidelity, domestic violence, or escalating financial debt create emotional traumas difficult to overcome. My program will help you sort through the noise to find solutions to these problems. Relationships are difficult and require strong communication and self-awareness. My Couple’s Therapy sessions will create clarity to understand the dynamics interfering with your relationship. Couples wanting to improve their relationship will find answers and research-based strategies to rebuild the connection and trust for a partner. Relationship counseling provides communication tools to effectively problem-solve, build trust, and develop intimacy. 

How will relationship counseling help?

Therapy is designed to help you live consistent with your core values. If you are fighting with your partner these values may feel threatened. My program provides a safe space to review what is important to you. Relationship counseling will create a step by step plan to overcome problems like infidelity or parenting conflicts to create intimacy. Therapy will provide clarity to make decisions best aligned with your values. My program is designed for individuals that are married, living together, or planning to build a life together.

Dr. Carolyn Becker PhD

Call me today at 817-349-3898 and learn how Relationship counseling can help you take charge of your life, marriage, and family.

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